Aligning Auras Monthly Horoscope Calendar
February is here and this month is all about embracing your authenticity and aligning with what truly nourishes you. Whether you’re manifesting your dream life or releasing what no longer serves you, this monthly horoscope will help you navigate the energy of February 2025, let’s dive in!

Numerology of February 2025 (2+0+2+5+2=11/2)
We’ve taken a look a the year ahead using numerology and have already discovered that generally February, month #2 in our western yearly calendars, is a time to trust your intuition and to let the things from January find balance in life. The number 2 is a mediator and can see two sides of a situation in an unbiased way. Well, you’re probably wondering what that necessarily means for you, right? It means you can sit back for a bit and plan your month ahead with a focus on self care and let the rest be handled by the universe.
Astronomy for February 2025
Generally each month, the moon goes through every moon phase and impacts the energy here on earth. Looking at the phases of the moon ahead of time can help you use that energy and timing to your advantage to manifest your dream life.

In Week 1 we will see a First Quarter Moon in Taurus
– A first quarter moon is time to slow down, get grounded, and figure out your next steps.
– The Taurus placement is urging rest and comfort.
This is the perfect start to a month rooted in self care. At the beginning of this week, on the 2nd, is Ground Hogs Day, a day half way in between winter solstice and the spring equinox. With Ground Hogs Day we will find out if spring is on the horizon or if winter is extended. Based on these last few days and the weather forecast in betting on an early spring!
The best facial to get during the first quarter moon is of the preventative type. We are talking hydrating, working beyond your skin barrier, and looking to your future of healthy skin. My favorite types are high frequency and light therapy.
In Week 2 we will have a Full Moon in Leo
– A full moon is peak energy, you’ll see some things be fulfilled around this time.
– The Leo placement brings a confident and brave energy to the mix.
Because of the confident Leo energy in this full moon, this is the time to be perceived; release your art work, ask your crush out, do what makes you scared the rest of the month. This second week is also the Super Bowl, Kansas City Chiefs vs the Philadelphia Eagles.. again. I’m really excited to see this match up, I think it will be a good game and I’m excited to see all of the Taylor and Travis content from it regardless of a win or not. Then the week ends with Valentine’s Day, the universe’s energy is not coming to play this week so prepare for the according karma.
Normally this is an active time for your skin overall, whatever your facing might become enhanced. A full moon is the perfect time to get a corrective facial treatment, with a focus on skin health adding nourishing nutrients and targeting specific concerns.
*Fun Fact* This Full Moon is known as the Snow Moon because February is the snowiest month on average in the United States.
In Week 3 there’s a Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio
– A last quarter moon gives you time to balance things by letting go.
– The Scorpio placement brings intense emotions.
The last quarter moon is a great time to unpack the happenings of the month and look inward. This is an especially good time to do something or yourself and begin to recharge. This second week has President’s Day on the 19th which could bring some intense feelings to some people, stay aware of your reactions and internal dialogue.
The best facial to get during the last quarter is some type of resurfacing treatment. You can use any exfoliation technique suitable to your skin, to find out what service would be good for you, you can request a consultation with a local esthetician or virtually with myself. The goal is to let go of what’s weighing you down to make way for new and healthier skin.
In Week 4 there’s a New Moon in Pisces
– A new moon is a fresh start to manifest your dream life.
– The Pisces placement encourages use of intuition and to trust the universe.
A New Moon is a great time to hunger down for some self care. Take a relaxing candle lit bath, read a self improvement book, vision board or whatever your go to cozy routine is to help prepare you for the next month.
This week has a heavy focus on home and home life, so take this time to check your home care and make sure you have the proper products suited for your skin type and concerns.
Astrology for February 2025
February is the month of the Aquarius from Jan 20 – Feb 18, and the Pisces from Feb 19 – Mar 20. This February there is only 28 days, based on the old Roman calendar where the year began in March, February used to be the last month of the year and that’s why it is the snowiest and is always cold! This also aligns with the zodiac chart, how they always start with Aries and end with Pisces.
This February we will see three transits;
- Feb 4th – Venus enters Aries
- Venus rules love, pleasure, and taste while Aries is driven and is a leader. So this transit can mean a focus of energy on relationships and loved ones.
- Feb 14th – Mercury enters Pisces
- Mercury has a chokehold on communication (get it?) and Pisces leans spiritual and romantic, this transit could mean as a whole, we are using softer tones and taking a more whimsical approach to things.
- Feb 18th – Sun enters Pisces
- The Sun is your core, your essence and with what we know about Pisces (dreamy & intuitive). This transit can mean a lot of day dreaming and while there is nothing wrong with that, just don’t lose sight of the big picture.

Overall id say February 2025 will be one for the books. With an emphasis on love and self care, our world really needs this escape from the horrors of today’s realities. But remember, bad news spreads faster than good and good energy acts as a shield for your aura. Our human experience is meant to be filled with experiences of extremes so that we can find our own paths of least resistance, because we are all in the same storm we just have different boats. I hope you are able to use this information on February 2025 to help you manifest your dream life into existence and find your path of least resistance. Thanks for reading along!!
Which week are you most excited for this month? Personally I’m most excited for the rise full week because it’s my birthday week and we have some time off scheduled, but all of February 2025 looks fairly bright. Leave your answer in the comments below!
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